«A (Green) Star is Born»: Sustainable Practices and Discursive Strategies of Michelin Guide restaurants in France and in Italy


  • Lorenzo Devilla Università di Sassari
  • Nicla Mercurio Università di Sassari




Guide Michelin, Gastronomie durable , Néolocalisme, Discours numérique, Discours environnemental


Environmental issues have been a significant part of public and private debate for years. In the production sectors, some companies adopt a series of sustainable practices in order to reconcile new ethical values with economic activities, communicating their CSR (« Corporate Social Responsibility ») which also involves an environmental dimension. It also aims to attract involving consumers who, in the wake of Neolocalism, are looking for local, authentic and traditional products. The concept of “sustainable gastronomy” fits into this context. Based on an analysis of digital and environmental discourse, this study explores sustainable communication on the Websites of French and Italian restaurants awarded with a Green Star and with another Michelin star such as 1 Star, Bib Gourmand or Selected Restaurants. Using a qualitative-quantitative and comparative French-Italian approach, we analyse linguistic choices and discursive strategies in order to understand where gastronomic restaurants stand between global and local, between tradition and innovation, dichotomies already existing in the culinary field but which have been relaunched in the age of globalisation.



How to Cite

Devilla, Lorenzo, and Nicla Mercurio. 2024. “«A (Green) Star Is Born»: Sustainable Practices and Discursive Strategies of Michelin Guide Restaurants in France and in Italy”. Scritture Migranti, no. 18 (January). Bologna, Italy:17-48. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2035-7141/21127.