About Terminological and Translational Variation of Some Sicilian Gastronyms in a Corpus of Tourist Texts in French Language


  • Paola Labadessa Università di Bologna




Translation, Terminological variation, Culinary terminology, Sicily, Gastronyms


The growing number of dictionaries and publications about gastronomy, on the one hand, suggests a specialized lexicography and, on the other, questions about the existence of a science dedicated to the lexicological study of cuisine and its treatment as a language of specialization. Proposing the use of the word “gastronyme” to highlight the unique features characterizing the identity of the names of food products, this study examines some Sicilian gastronymes in a corpus of French tourist texts according to the terminological variations in the context of naming and translation to which these terms are often subjected. Using studies about translation and forms of terminological variation, as well as resources such as the Italo-Sicilian lexicography and the CNRTL databases, this contribution explores the transfer of culinary lexemes between the Sicilian-Italian and French languages ​​and cultures. It is also interested in hybrid forms of French used by Sicilians in a French-speaking environment, particularly through the analysis of menus and the results of machine translation. The aim is to understand the mechanisms of mediation, appropriation or modification of culinary products in the context of linguistic and cultural migration.



How to Cite

Labadessa, Paola. 2024. “About Terminological and Translational Variation of Some Sicilian Gastronyms in a Corpus of Tourist Texts in French Language ”. Scritture Migranti, no. 18 (January). Bologna, Italy:49-80. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2035-7141/21128.