The academic journal Scritture migranti, founded in 2007, already counts twelve annual issues and has benne directed by Fulvio Pezzarossa and, later, by Donata Meneghelli. It has developed a critical work on the writings generated by migratory processes and explored the themes of exile, diaspora, travel, and the transcultural movements triggered by the postcolonial condition. It has fielded disciplinary interweavings, textual products and expressive resources converging on various thematic cores. Scritture migranti aims at a participatory and viable political response to the difficult challenges of a changing world, where movement, flight, expatriation, and their imprints on the imaginary, mark the dynamic worldliness of migratory trajectories.


Call for Papers – Scritture Migranti No. 19/2025


Centers and Peripheries of Trap: Identities, Languages, and Representations

The journal Scritture Migranti invites scholars to submit contributions for its nineteenth issue, dedicated to the theme: “Centers and Peripheries of Trap: Identities, Languages, and Representations.”

Submission Guidelines: Proposals (max. 300 words), accompanied by a short biographical note (max. 150 words), should be submitted by April 30, 2025, to Accepted articles will be due by September 30, 2025.

Download the full multi-language PDF version of the call.

Read more about Call for Papers – Scritture Migranti No. 19/2025

Current Issue

No. 18 (2024): Des mets et des mots. Migrations et rencontres gastronomiques sous l’angle des langues-cultures
Acquerello/china su Carta Fabriano. Per gentile concessione dell'artista, Ornella Gullotta

Sezione monografica a cura di Loredana Trovato

Copertina per gentile concessione dell'artista, Ornella Gullotta

Published: 2025-01-29

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